Public vs Private Bug Bounty Program

Public vs Private

When launching a bug bounty program, one of the most important decisions you’ll face is whether to make it public or keep it private. Both public and private bug bounty programs have their benefits and challenges, and the choice depends on your organization’s goals, security maturity, and the resources available to manage the program.

In this post, we’ll explore the key differences between public and private bug bounty programs, and provide guidance on when to use each approach to maximize the effectiveness of your security efforts.

What is a Private Bug Bounty Program?

A private bug bounty program is invitation-only, meaning that only a selected group of ethical hackers are invited to participate. These programs are typically smaller in scope and provide organizations with more control over who can access their systems and submit reports.

Benefits of a Private Bug Bounty Program

When to Choose a Private Bug Bounty Program

What is a Public Bug Bounty Program?

A public bug bounty program is open to the entire ethical hacking community. Any researcher can participate, which means you’re tapping into a global pool of talent to help uncover vulnerabilities. Public programs typically see a higher volume of participation and submissions, offering a wider range of expertise.

Benefits of a Public Bug Bounty Program

When to Choose a Public Bug Bounty Program

Deciding Between Public and Private

Ultimately, the choice between public and private comes down to several factors:

1. Security Maturity

2. Resources and Capacity

3. Scope and Sensitivity of Systems

Transitioning from Private to Public

Many organizations start with a private program and then transition to a public one as their security processes mature. This approach allows you to test your systems with a small, trusted group of hackers before expanding to a global audience.

Here are some indicators that your organization is ready to go public:


Choosing between a private or public bug bounty program depends on your organization’s goals, security maturity, and capacity. Private programs offer a controlled and gradual approach to improving your security posture, while public programs provide broader coverage and continuous feedback from a global community of researchers.

At CyberDart, we help organizations of all sizes design bug bounty programs tailored to their needs. Whether you’re starting with a private program or ready to go public, we offer the tools and expertise to ensure your program is successful and aligned with your security goals.

Ready to build your bug bounty program? Contact CyberDart today to get started. CyberDart Team